We think about THE FUTURE

O 2000 Outdoor Cooling Unit (1700 W)

Summer months approaches, temperature rises in Enclosures with this increase, unscheduled downtime is inevitable. Against to this danger, precaution is our Enclosure Cooling Units.

Cooling Capacity L35 L35 1700 W
Type of Refrigerant R 134a
Amount of Refrigerant 520 g
Default Thermostat Value 34 °C
Hysteresis 4 °C
External Circuit 945 m³/h
Internal Circuit 945 m³/h
Rated Frequency 50/60 Hz
Input Voltage 230 V
Power Absorbed L35 740 W
Running Current 3.4 A
Starting Current 4.4 A
Weight 40 kg
Height x Width x Depth mm 955 x 400 x 255
Corrosion Protection Galvanized
Orientation Wall Mount
System of Protection(Ext/In) IP55 / IP65
Ambient Air Temp. 0 °C ... +55 °C
Compressor Danfoss-Secop
Fans EbmPapst
Communication Protocol EtherNet/IP , ModBus TCP, ModBus RTU

Organize Sanayi Bölgesi